
Showing posts from 2020

Juice jacking

juice jacking is a physical of hardware vulnerability specific to mobile platforms. utilising the dual purpose of the USB charger port many devices have been s uscectable to having data exfiltrated from or malware installed into a mobile device by utilizing malicious charging kiosks set up in public places such busy Railway Station, Play Ground where people looked for Little rechareg for their Phone which battery is running out or hidden in normal charger adaptors. Say you are out of home and your phone battery running low. in an emergency, you will find the setup where you can recharge your phone battery (you need to be very careful where you charge it). Then what's the fear? Juice-Jacking! Yes, it is a Cyber term. Juice jacking is a cyber attack in which criminals(hacker) modify the port of public USB charging stations so, they can steal data from a phone or install malware on the device which charged through the kiosk USB port. It hunt on people who need to recharge their

How to speed up the internet

How to speed up the internet: There is a lot of information/Suggestions at different websites on “how to speed up internet connection” and a few potential solutions which you can try but not all of them work. Here we stapled some easy and practical tips to regain your internet speed. (Although the internet speed on your smartphone depends on some constant key factor such as phone processor clock speed, your network connection speed) you can apply a few tactics to catch the fastest possible performance.  Reset network connection: Sometimes internet phones get stuck in a connection with a cell tower that is already connected to maximum users and slower data speed. reset the phone’s network connection by turning the phone restart or by turning airplane mode on then off.  Update Your Phone And Apps: If you have been facing slow internet speed on your phone and don't know how to make your phone's Internet faster or your browser faster, then you must start from the beginn

7wayes to secure your Android phone

Wayes to secure your Android phone: Securing your smartphone against theft is no small matter nowadays, whether you leave it behind in a cab or at a restaurant or someone outside doing the damage of all that Data loss can be lengthy Nightmare.Android is under constant attack and the older version are more vulnerable than the new one. way too many smartphones brands still don't issue Google's monthly Android security patch in a timely manner or not at all. Malware makers, publishers they really are all out to get you. so what can you do to stop them yourself? Lots of ways to keep you and your Android device safe from attackers/hackers, as many of these are pretty simple but security is much more about doing safe things all time than tricky complicated security tips.Around four out of five smartphone users in India have an Android device, here explains how you can utilise the built in security features of such phones to protect them better ever. Always brought Smartphones