Juice jacking

juice jacking is a physical of hardware vulnerability specific to mobile platforms. utilising the dual purpose of the USB charger port many devices have been suscectable to having data exfiltrated from or malware installed into a mobile device by utilizing malicious charging kiosks set up in public places such busy Railway Station, Play Ground where people looked for Little rechareg for their Phone which battery is running out or hidden in normal charger adaptors.
Say you are out of home and your phone battery running low. in an emergency, you will find the setup where you can recharge your phone battery (you need to be very careful where you charge it). Then what's the fear? Juice-Jacking! Yes, it is a Cyber term. Juice jacking is a cyber attack in which criminals(hacker) modify the port of public USB charging stations so, they can steal data from a phone or install malware on the device which charged through the kiosk USB port. It hunt on people who need to recharge their battery when they are out and about. 

USB charging stations are public kiosks generally found in airports, railway stations, hotels and shopping malls. maximum of them are free to use while a few others ask for payment.They allow you to charge your handset.. if your smartphone battery power is low on your way, you can feel like a lifering and you certainly would be aware of the rising threat juice jacking. USB ports and cables not only charge phones also allow data to transfer backward and forward. Ordinarily a legal kiosk would only use the charging ability of a USB port but cyber hackers are taking advantage of its secondary function by placing a small computer inside the kiosk and tempering exist USB port. When a smartphone or Tablet is connected for juice up, hackers can use the technology to read the device data or infect it with malware. First the victim doesn't suspect anything. Any device connected to a compromised USB port will charge as expected .Victims are unaware anything nefarious has taken place. the cyber criminal act can be carried out in less than a minute giving the hacker access your important information ranging from your browser history, save password and contacts to your photos emails and even your financial details. if the falsify USB port installs malware on your device then the cyber criminals could potentially continue to access your personal information in the future.


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