Cryptophone specification, price


Cryptophone: Paranoid numerous? The crypto phone is here to protect your privacy and personal information. For a long time demand for secure cryptophones is so high company can't keep up. If you need proof the world is more paranoid than ever about their own privacy overhear and other Nefarious spy-related activities, Then look no further than USD America. the company name may not be as similar to your Samsung or Apple, but at the moment turning out a couple of hundred smartphones a week, and it cannot keep up with demand.

The existing Android Operating System is wiped out and replaced by a new version created by German security specialist GSMK. the operating system promises 360-degree protection for your privacy and offers voice encryption, secure messaging and encrypted strong storage system, self-destructing message, and a clever encryption method that uses random background noise as its key. crypto phone audio compression is a highly optimized voice-coded support for multiple network technologies and ensures that the calls get through even when network throughput is limited. If two phones give you full flexibility to choose between either classical circuit-switched data connection or internet protocol IP, base communication links- thus offering you the full range of communication networks from analog telephone lines to 3G/UMTS high bandwidth connection. The phone it selfs is called the GSM Crypto phone 500, and it's a super-secure smartphone device that sets up a secure connection between Two communicating phones ensuring calls and data exchange stays secret and un-tap.

cryptophone 600 

 All GSMk Cryptophones use the same encryption engine which is a portable multi-platform cryptographic model that provides a strong encryption authentication key exchange message integrity verification, And secured memory abstraction service to GSMk Cryptophone encryption products. strong encryption algorithms and very long key length allow products that provide Peace of Mind today and in the future. 

 software architecture:  the GSMk cryptophone architecture was designed to provide 360-degree protection not only against interception of confidential voice calls and messages but also against attacking the device itself. all GSMk ticket phone secure mobile phones feature a hardened operating system secure storage and voice and message encryption.

 the source code of all GSMk cryptophone product come with their full source code published for review and to ensure provable security. the source code is the blueprint of how each Crypto phone operates and computer programmers can read this code. introducing a blackboard into a cryptosystem does not even require the active corporation of the manufacturer of the equipment.

Over the past two decades, telecommunication interception has developed into a major industry, intelligence agencies and private organizations within all countries routinely intercept calls and that may sensitive political-economic information. the use of wiretapping has become so widespread, simple, and uncontrolled that you must assume that your private calls and SMS end up in the wrong hand. equipment for wireless interception for mobile phone calls and messages has become available at such low prices that it is deployed frequently, even in comparatively small business conflicts .so using encryption to protect your privacy is the prudent choice.


PRICE: For those who are seriously concerned regarding their privacy as the phone costs $3500.The secured aspect of the crypto-phone 500 appeals, but the 5 times the price of an iPhone puts you off, then there is a cheaper option out there the black phone for example. Uses silent circles security apps and protection at a more reasonable price of $630.

How to secure Android phone


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