Is your Password Hacked?????

Its very likely that one or more of your passwords have been stolen at some point. How do find out if they are hacked or not? we brief how to find out and the steps you must take to make them unhacked. Whether any of your passwords or other personal information has been leaked in a major data breach. Sad to say, but the chances are surprisingly very high.

In recent and massive data breaches examples are 380,000 users account of British airways, Equifax’s 143 million user account, Myheritage s 92 million user account. Even combined they present a small proportion of the billion accounts hacked over the past few years. A timely reminder that, no matter how careful you are with passwords, you can not rely on companies being as diligent, what you can do, however, is make your password as difficult to crack as possible, so if are a victim of a careless company your password won’t instantly give itself up.

So What you can do-

➽Find out your details have been leaked online

➽Lear the way hackers use to crack passwords

➽Create a new strong unhackable password

➽Use a password manager to securely store all your passwords

Despite the advent of new biometric techniques (such as fingerprint, iris, and face recognition), the majority of us still tend to use passwords to verify our identity online. And if you create your own passwords using similar terms (maiden names, pets, football teams, etc) rather than randomly generate them, And more important, As soon as one password has been stolen, the rest become easier to crack. 

Alternative of Password

How are Passwords stolen: Most of us have been there. Struggling to remember one of your passwords, but bashing in those we use most in the hope of striking lucky. Then we see the dreaded message “Too many incorrect logins-Account locked”. Not thinks that someone trying to hack your password would suffer a similar fate. Sadly this is not the world works. Most passwords are cracked by hackers working offline., having already acquired a database of user accounts. They will then use various methods to crack the account’s passwords. The only time they’ll ever try to log into your account is when they‘ve already got your password.

The good news is that even hackers who have access to a database of account details cant see the actual password as plain text. Any reputable website won’t ever store your password. Instead, they use an algorithm to convert it into a unique, fixed-length block data, Known as the hash. For example, using one very popular cryptographic algorithm -SAH256, which was developed by our national security agency the much-used password ‘P@ssw0rd’ generates a 64 character hash startingr’B03DDF3XC…..’ This particular password will always create this unique hash.


Securing passwords with a pinch of salt: Hashing lets websites store your password securely because its impossible to reverse-engineer them, but hackers can still use any number of techniques to work out your password. How easy this depends on how complex your password is and the methods used by the website to generate its hash. To make it harder for hackers to use rainbow tables () to work out a password from its hash,

most websites generate a series of random characters and add them to your password before creating the hash- a password known as ‘’sorting’’. Using a salt of ‘aE92@3’(most are far complex than this), ‘’’ P@ssw0rd’ becomes like ‘’aE92@3P@assw0rd’’, because this generates a completely different hash, its highly unlikely it will exist in a rainbow table and will therefore be much harder to crack.

Check Wheather Your Password has been stolen: When your password or any other personal data have been leaked or not, they normally end up being added to a huge database of the dark web. Trying to locate these to find out whether you have been a victim not only takes ages but is also risky because they are typically listed on criminal websites. There are plenty of scam sites that are also offered to check your email accounts and passwords for security breaches. The shameless irony of it! As they promise to reveal what s been stolen, they are secretly collecting the data themselves. Thankfully there are safe websites you can use instead. was created by Australian security expert tony Hunt in 2013, run by US-Spanish security firm, and by Australian firm Avalanche, are two popular alternatives. To avoid getting caught out, type the web address into your browser’s address bar directly.

What to do if your data has been leaked: If your details have been leaked, check the date of the latest breach. If you have yet to change your password on the attacked site, do so immediately. Hackers are aware people often just add an extra character when changing their password, so make sure its completely different, and if you have reused the stolen password on other sites, change them as well. If you get the all-clear from these sites, it does not mean your personal details have never been leaked, lots of smaller data breaches go unreported, while some websites simply are not aware they have been attacked.

The Best way to protect yourself is to use strong passwords and, ideally, keep a password manager.



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