Digital Enemy

 Nowadays cyber-attacks become more intruding and utmost, owners of IoT devices and connected homes must Install their digital defense system. Suppose you are an owner of a smart house and What it is like to lose control of your smart home, By turning technology against you and smart home hack affects everything which can go wrong with a connected home. You Can imagine it with the help of some Hollywood movie. While Only a few decades ago the idea of controlling your home refrigerator, Security cameras, cars, electric switch, networking devices, security, and entertainment system remotely, via a Data connected smartphone. Recent modern Feature emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) have created a connected ecosystem that enables easy access to user devices through a wireless network.

 As electricity and data are now easily accessible, By 2025 average Indian households could be connected to some tract. Users are yet to fully adopt (Internet of Things)IoT and solutions due to triumphal privacy and security concerns. No one is really sure whether our connected Smart lifestyle is safe from destructiveness.

In 2017 WannaCry infected 230,000 computers across 150 countries. 2016 a malware called Mirai scanned the internet of things for vulnerable devices and struck with malware that increased bandwidth use and reinfected after every reboot. Mirai take the Japanese name “the future” and created a botnet that triggered a largescale DDoS(distributed denial of service) attack, rendering the majority of the east coast of the U, inaccessible to internet services and hijacking a variety of smart devices. This is only a small example that what damage cybercriminals can wreak on a connected network.

Researchers have discovered avenues to embed commands into a voice-controlled connected device via spoken text or music recordings to deliver instructions ranging from unlocking doors to transferring money electronically. With increased awareness around emerging cyber threats such as Malware(virus, worms, trojans, ransomware) both end-users and businesses are looking for sophisticated and evolved security solutions to safeguard their important various data. As a result, cybercriminals are altering their way of attack and targeting high-net-worth individuals, businesses, and smart home devices.

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Some simple steps, taken during the installation of any smart device, can go a long way in protecting a smart home against cybercriminals. Of course, with so many cool smart products available in the market, which are easy to use, easy to install and maintain, and have built-in security. But before making a purchase, go through the details of the product's security features and make sure to update the security patches frequently.

The hackers are usually aware of factory default passwords that could unlock IoT devices, so, Obviously, at first, take your time, go to the product setting and create a unique, strong password. Consider getting an extra security layer by investing in software(anti-virus) programs that will secure your digital life, no matter what the device is. Manufacturers against vulnerabilities, Therefore, always ensure that you have the latest and safest upgrades. One can also look at seamless and easy-to-use security solutions that protect against malicious websites, provide parenteral controls and safeguard devices connected to the home network (IoT devices). Opt home routers with an in-built security platform.

Of course, a connected life is a good life. The only drawback, Cybercriminals are fully aware of our growing dependence on IoT devices. They spend a lot of their time looking for vulnerabilities and which they can gain access to private and financial data through the crack in our Connected networks. with the growing amount of personal data flowing to and from connected home devices, it is imperative to ensure security measures for all of them. Devices like game consoles, home security systems, baby monitors, and other IoT gadgets must be secured so that they do not fall prey to cybercriminals and use againist you.

As we move towards creating a better connected smarter world, it is important to create a strong defense system to guard all entry points.

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